August 08, 2009

Another Mesothelioma Types

Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is an uncommon form of cancer and of all asbestos allied diseases, the a good number serious. The symptoms associated with the disease get as far as it strenuous on behalf of doctors to analyze. Often, by the period to a proper diagnosis is made, the disease has progressed to a thrust everyplace patients organize not respond well to handling therapy. Malignant mesothelioma is caused almost exclusively by the mouthful of air of on high asbestos particles. Another unique aspect associated with the disease is to present can be a long latency age amid the period an particularized is exposed to asbestos and the tangible manifestation of the disease in the form of nasty mesothelioma.

Benign Mesothelioma - affects the peritoneum

Cystic mesothelioma primarily affects women of younger age and affects the peritoneum. This type of mesothelioma is not recurrently diagnosed and is besides not a nasty form of the disease. It is, however, particularly strenuous to identify and requires specialized microscopes and immunologic techniques to aid in diagnosis.

Mesothelioma in Uncommon Sites

A form of cardiac cancer to is rarely seen involves the pericardium. Tumors associated with this type of mesothelioma are not with no trouble detectable and patients presented with this diagnosis watch over to include a very low survival rate. There include besides been reports of mesothelioma connecting ovaries in women and the scrotum in men. Treatment on behalf of all of these rare forms of mesothelioma will vary depending on come again? Stage a unwearied has progressed to but in a good number all hand baggage the projected outcome is not favorable.

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