September 09, 2009

Epithelial Mesothelioma

Epithelial mesothelioma cells have a definite structure with visible nuclei. This is the most common variant of this type of cancer, accounting for about 60 percent of all cases. This type of mesothelioma develops when malignant cells develop on any of the mesothelial linings. When examined under a microscope, these cells are of a uniform size and shape, and resemble normal, healthy epithelial cells.

Epithelial mesothelioma cells also bear a strong resemblance to adenocarcinoma cells, which are also associated with lung tissue. Patients who have been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma should also be examined for mesothelioma as well.


Papillary mesothelioma is an example of epithelial mesothelioma; other variants include any of the following:

• Signet Ring

• Single File

• Adenoid Cystic

• Glandular

• Tubulopapillary

• Histiocytoid

• Microcystic

• Macrocystic

• Glomeruloid

• Diffuse - NOS

• Small Cell

• Deciduoid

• Pleomorphic

• In Situ

• Mucin Positive

• Well-Differentiated Papillary

• Gaucher Cell-Like

What differentiates these various types are the shape, size and formation of the cells. This can determine what course of treatment is appropriate for the patient's situations.

Epithelial Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Once asbestos fibers are inhaled, they become lodged in the lung tissue, where they remain indefinitely. Mesothelioma is associated with hard, crystalline amphibole asbestos, which consists of hard, needle-like fibers that literally bore through lung tissue over time, causing chronic inflammation that ultimately results in malignancy. The disease has a very long latency period, which can be anywhere from five to seventy-five years. The symptoms of the disease are also similar to other respiratory illnesses, which is why mesothelioma has historically been so difficult to diagnose.

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